How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth?

Yellow is the color of spring and new vibes but this color looks awkward and embarrassing on teeth. Will you ever shy away from flaunting your smile if your pearls sparkle and dazzle? Definitely not!

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Now imagine a contrasting situation where you have to look for places to hide because you cannot smile wholeheartedly. Isn’t that a grim site? It is a clear indication of your negligence towards your oral health. To come out of this odd situation, you must know some tips on how you can get rid of yellow teeth.

  • Practice good oral hygiene: This means brushing your teeth twice a day with a good quality toothpaste. Using whitening mouthwash will keep the mouth healthy and fit.
  • Dental checkups: You cannot ignore or skip your dental visits. Schedule an appointment once in six months so that the dentist can check if there are any abnormalities and start the right treatment without wasting any time.
  • Change in food habits: You must avoid eating excess sugary foods and drinks like red wine, berries and coffee. If you cannot avoid these, then you must ensure that you brush and clean your teeth well after consumption.
  • Protect enamel: If tooth enamel erodes, you cannot expect sparkling whites. Toothpastes that have fluoride are a good alternative to avoid wear and tear of tooth enamel.
  • Introduce calcium in your diet:  Dairy and non-dairy products rich in calcium will help you keep the tooth enamel safe and thus preserving the color of your teeth.
  • Over the counter tooth whitening kit: You can buy tooth whitening products like strips and toothpastes, helping remove stains on your teeth.

For more information on how to maintain the gleam of your teeth, get in touch with dentists at Fieldgate Dental in Mississauga.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions: Do’s and Don’ts

The thought of wisdom teeth extraction is scary but if you are cautious in your approach, you can sail through this situation easily.

tooth extraction mississauga

What is wisdom teeth extraction?

It is one of the major dental surgeries in which one or more wisdom tooth is extracted if it doesn’t find any space to grow. If you don’t get it extracted, it might result in oral infection or inflammation thus causing much more pain than anticipated.

Why do you need to extract wisdom teeth?

Wisdom tooth/ teeth has to be pulled out if it:

  • Causes damage to the surrounding bone
  • Results in shooting pain
  • Brings in infection in the gums
  • Causes tooth decay in the practically erupted tooth
  • A cyst develops around the wisdom tooth

What you must do after wisdom tooth extraction?

Once the dentist has pulled out your wisdom tooth you must:

  • Elevate your head to avoid swelling
  • Use an ice pack to relieve the pain and reduce swelling
  • Drink liquids
  • Stay on a fluid diet and introduce hard foods slowly
  • Take the medicines regularly to subside the pain
  • Perform jaw exercises
  • Bite on the gauze so that the bleeding stops
  • Avoid brushing the extraction site

What should be avoided after wisdom tooth extraction?

To have the best results after wisdom tooth extraction surgery you should avoid:

  • Rinsing your mouth vigorously.         
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol, spitting and sucking so that the blood clot doesn’t dislodge because if it does it will result in bleeding and pain.
  • Using ice packs after the first 48 hours and must switch to heat treatment to soothe and heal the wound.
  • Anything hard to chew must be avoided for a week.

Book an appointment by calling at (905)-625-0308 at Fieldgate Dental in Mississauga.

What are The Benefits of Orthodontics?

Having misaligned jaws, improper bite and gaps in the teeth can land you in discomforting situations when you are in a public gathering. No one wants to be bullied for appearance. It is a big blow to self-esteem and confidence.

orthodontics treatment Mississauga

Your smile is the first thing that people notice about you, and if you have the perfect whites, you will gather all the attention and march with unmatched confidence. We are there to help you embrace perfection in your teeth and jaws.

What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry in which any deformity in the jaws is diagnosed and treated by using different techniques. Jaw growth problems, crowded or protruding teeth, spacing in teeth and missing teeth can be treated if timely treatment is taken.

What are the benefits of orthodontics?

Orthodontic treatment aims at providing healthy bite, enhancing aesthetics, and preventing any disease because of a misaligned jaw. Braces have been known to give excellent results in treating the problem of open bite, space, deep overbite, increase overjet, reverse overjet, crossbite and crowded teeth. Thus the benefits of orthodontics can be highlighted as:

  1. Enhance aesthetics: The foremost benefit of orthodontics is improving aesthetics and helping you achieve the smile you have been longing for ages.
  2. Better maintenance: Once your teeth and jaw are aligned, maintaining your oral hygiene becomes easy.
  3. Feel good factor: A bothersome smile is a matter of concern and no one likes to live through it. By wearing braces you can rectify the bothering dental issues and thereafter smile the way you want.
  4. Boost self-esteem: You shouldn’t compromise on your self-esteem and respect in any situation. If your smile is acting as a roadblock between you and your self-esteem, then better get the right solution at the right time so that nothing troubles you.
  5. Better chewing: The problem of crowded teeth or an improper bite can result in unproductive chewing functionality. By getting the treatment, you can overcome this challenge.
  6. Avoid facial and neck pain: Though it might sound like any other dental problem, misalignment is one of the reasons behind facial and neck pain. Orthodontic treatment helps in overcoming this problem.
  7. Speak well: Speech impairment is one of the outcomes of misaligned jaws and improper bite. Orthodontic treatment will save you from this trouble.

Book an appointment at Fieldgate Dental in Mississauga for the best orthodontics treatment.

How Dental Bridges Can Help In Closing the Gaps between Teeth

Missing teeth have made several people go into stress. One might feel conscious whilst talking to somebody or just smiling. Everybody wants to be presentable however a gap between their two teeth is often a hindrance. You can fix and mend anything these days, and missing teeth is undoubtedly one of them. Dental bridges Mississauga help fill in the gap and also make it appear natural.

Dental implants compatibility

You can get a dental bridge fixed in your mouth even if you have undergone a dental implant since it can be fixed to it. Thus, people who don’t have natural teeth can opt for this option as well.

Way better than dentures

You might believe that dentures are an ideal option however it is not attached to your mouth, unlike bridges. The dental bridges will never come off and will rather stay intact.

Saves your adjacent tooth

Each tooth supports the neighbouring tooth due to which when one goes missing it becomes risky for the nearby teeth. They start getting loose, however, they can be saved with the help of dental bridges by just filling the space.

Improves your look

You can visualize how you would look after losing your teeth. However, dental bridges can help enhance your looks easily. The whole process restrains your soft tissues from disintegrating.

Fixes issues related to speech

It is a well-known fact that a missing tooth can create problems while talking. Your words might not sound clear or your pronunciations might be incorrect. Dental bridges help bring back your teeth that fell off and hence it helps resolve your speech issues.

Replacement teeth types

Dentists utilize different kinds of materials for fixing artificial teeth on the dental bridge Mississauga. They are made of silver amalgam, gold and porcelain, of which the latter appears to be the best option.


Dental bridges are favoured by most people due to their long life. It prolongs for years to come and will not slip off.

Enhances your chewing ability

They do not produce uneasiness while you chew your food. The concept of dental bridges is to make it comfortable for you and thus it improves your chewing ability.

The dental experts at Fieldgate Dental assess your dental case and make suggestions based on your personal situation. They provide the best dental bridges for you that help restore your smile.

We serve all-inclusive cosmetic dental services including veneersbridgesimplants, and professional teeth whitening.

You can also book an appointment online at

Consider Invisalign to Improve the Beauty of Your Smile

Your smile is the biggest asset that can make your presence felt amongst thousands in the crowd and make an everlasting impression on those who meet you for the first time. No wonder it is said that a smile has the power to turn foes into friends and turn the tables. When such is the magical power of your smile, can you afford to hide it? Definitely not!

We understand the importance of your smile and thus our efforts are aligned to make it all the more beautiful and attractive with each passing day. Now having the perfect smile is everyone’s dream but does everyone live that dream, is a question. If your teeth are misaligned or there are gaps, you tend to be in an awkward situation while standing in a group. That is where we help by bringing to you Invisalign which is another name of convenience and comfort personified.

What is Invisalign?

Plastic aligners that are worn to bring the teeth back to position without causing the discomfort of the metal braces are termed as Invisalign.

What makes Invisalign a good option?

Unlike metal braces which are sturdy, visible and cause discomfort when worn, Invisalign comes with the following advantages:

  • Looks good and makes you feel good
  • Brushing and flossing is easy with Invisalign
  • Aligner trays can be easily taken out while eating
  • Unmatched comfort and convenience
  • Consultations to the dentist get reduced

When should Invisalign be opted for?

In case you suffer from one or more of the following issues, using Invisalign is a good option:

  • Crowding
  • Deep overbite
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite
  • Gaps between teeth

When you choose treatments like fixed braces or Invisalign, you need to make a long-term commitment. And, we are right in there with you! We are fully committed to seeing you or your child through the long-term process of orthodontic treatment.

You can visit Fieldgate Dental in Mississauga to get the aligner trays fixed to restore and flaunt your smile. For booking an appointment online please visit, or call us at (905) 625-0308.

What to Expect During a Dental Implant Procedure?

Cosmetic dental surgeries are becoming a common practice to restore the smile an individual tends to have lost in the first place. The dental implant is one such procedure that has proved as an effective method while replacing a lost or damaged tooth. The surgery procedure involves placing an artificial tooth that can look similar to the naturally grown ones and durable for years if at all, the right kind of cleaning routine has been followed up.

If your dentist has suggested you to undergo dental implant surgery procedure, then probably tons of questions shall concern you at first. Keep reading as we unleash the things you can expect out of undergoing dental implants from a renowned dentist.

  • Anesthesia shall be given at first to skip experiencing any kind of pain during the entire surgery process. You might even be drowsy for one or two hours post-surgery, yet, things will be back to normal once the injected anesthesia loses its power.
  • The certified dentist team shall drill up a small hole around the gum area where the artificial teeth are about to get placed with
  • Later on, the hole shall be widened or lengthened depending upon the room needed for the teeth to accurately fit in them
  • A titanium screw containing the synthetic teeth shall be placed within the drilled hole using special equipment
  • The main role of titanium screw is to hold firmly the artificial teeth that are said to be mounted over them
  • Once the screw has been successfully installed, the dentist shall place a protective cover on the top portion.

In the next three or six months, the implant shall become a part of the surrounding jaw areas.

Are you looking for a renowned dentist to undergo dental implant surgery?

Improve your smile and confidence with our veneers experts at Fieldgate Dental in Mississauga.We serve all-inclusive cosmetic dental services including veneersbridgesimplants and professional teeth whitening.

You can also book an appointment online at

Give us a call on (905)-625-0308 and let our certified and expert dentist present you the safest ways to replace a damaged or lost tooth.